About P.A.S.T Ways
Supporting young people's social, emotional, and mental health is at the heart of what we do. We provide a well-rounded curriculum, helping students gain GCSEs, employability, and life skills.
"Our program is fully compliant with OFSTED regulations. We work with the progressions team, approved providers, and external professional agencies to help young individuals. To communicate with them better, we use Boxall. Furthermore, we establish strong partnerships with schools to support personalized plans and Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP).
At Pastways, we work closely with young people to help them achieve their future goals, such as apprenticeships, college courses, or employment, by supporting them to achieve their GCSEs. The priorities and aims for each student are individualized, but we have common priorities for each year of study.
For our year 7 and 8 students, our priority is to identify and work through any emotional or underlying needs that may not have been identified. For example, we investigate behavior that could be linked to autism or ADHD (amongst others) and work towards a diagnosis. We try to understand why students are not doing as well in mainstream education as their peers and what the best strategy for reintegration would be.
Our year 9 and 10 students are encouraged to research any projects they are interested in, which will improve their confidence and raise their self-esteem. We work with them to overcome any concerns they might have and continue to work on their emotional and social skills, as these are essential for their progress.
Year 11 students receive career advice and assistance to complete college applications. We support our year 11s in a stressful and worrying time by providing emotional and practical support so they can make the next move in their educational and professional career."
Purpose and Visions
We understand how important it is for young people and their families to receive social and emotional support. It's our mission to empower them to overcome challenges and focus on personal growth in a safe and secure environment. Our school is designed to cater to students who may not excel in traditional educational settings, so that they receive the assistance they need to succeed.
We recognize the importance of active listening and strive to listen to young people and their families. Our aim is to provide them with the necessary support to raise their aspirations, self-esteem, and self-belief. By nurturing these qualities, we can help our students become confident, fulfilled, and productive members of our community.
Throughout the day, we engage our students in team-building activities and discussions to build stronger connections and a brighter future for all.
For post-16 students, we focus on developing employability skills, life skills, and emotional well-being. We understand that this can be a stressful and confusing time, and our staff are committed to helping students think positively about their future and the paths they can take.
Moreover, post-16 students can become learning mentors to other students, helping them with their work and supporting them to learn skills like responsibility, punctuality, and confidence-building.